SHCSJ Oral History Project
As part of our mission to preserve the memory of Czechoslovak Jews, we are collecting oral and written personal histories from individuals, families and communities charting their memories. If you have a story you would like to publish here, please get in touch with us at info@shcsj.org
Thomas reiner
Born in 1931 in Prague, Thomas Reiner was just five years old, when he first became aware of Hitler. Thanks to a mix of ingenuity, strong will and luck, he managed to escape with his parents Vilém and Edita in 1939, first to Italy, then to England, and eventually to United States of America. Read more.
Born in 1950 in Hranice, Moravia, Přibyslava Tichotová, known as “Přibuška” to her family, lived through the Communist regime in Czechoslovakia. She recalls her Jewish mother’s experiences during the Second World War and its aftermath. Read more.
Further oral history sources
Jewish-Czech oral histories collected by the National Czech and Slovak Museum: https://www.ncsml.org/tag/jews
Oral History Collection at the Jewish Museum in Prague: https://www.jewishmuseum.cz/en/collection-research/collections-funds/oral-history-collection
Oral histories collected by ‘Living Memory’ (Živá Pamět) project in Czech Republic: http://www.zivapamet.cz
Personal histories of Theresienstadt prisoners: https://www.pamatnik-terezin.cz/personalities
Oral histories of Jewish survivors of the Holocaust compiled by the British Library: https://sounds.bl.uk/oral-history/jewish-holocaust-survivors
Visegrad insight - oral history with Slovak Holocaust survivors from Komárno: http://visegradinsight.eu/the-jews-of-komarno
Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust testimonies at Yale University: https://fortunoff.library.yale.edu/excerpts